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Fairfax County Personal Property Tax: What You Need To Know In 2023

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What is Personal Property Tax?

Personal property tax is a tax levied on certain types of property owned by individuals in Fairfax County, Virginia. This tax is based on the assessed value of the property, and is collected by the county government. The tax applies to both tangible and intangible property, including motor vehicles, furniture, jewelry, boats, and other personal items. While the tax is not paid directly to the county government, it is collected by the county through a system of local taxation. The tax is used to fund various county services and programs, such as schools, public safety, and infrastructure.

What Property is Subject to the Tax?

Property that is subject to the tax includes motor vehicles, furniture, jewelry, boats, and other items that are owned by individuals who reside in Fairfax County. Property that is deemed to be used solely for business purposes, such as tools, equipment, and inventory, may also be subject to the tax. In some cases, property that is owned jointly by two or more individuals may also be subject to the tax.

How is the Tax Calculated?

The tax is calculated based on the assessed value of the property. The assessed value is determined by the county assessor and is based on the fair market value of the property. The assessed value is used to determine the tax rate, which is set by the county government. The amount of tax due is then calculated by multiplying the assessed value by the tax rate. The amount of tax due may be reduced by any applicable deductions or exemptions.

When and How is the Tax Paid?

The tax is typically due on the first day of the month following the date of purchase. The tax must be paid to the county government in the form of cash or a certified check or money order. Taxpayers are also able to make payments over the phone or online. Payments can be made in installments, but the taxpayer must make all installment payments before the due date.

Are There Any Exemptions or Deductions?

Yes, there are several exemptions and deductions that may be available to taxpayers in Fairfax County. These include exemptions for certain types of motor vehicles, furniture, jewelry, boats, and other items. Taxpayers may also be eligible for deductions based on their income level, number of dependents, or other factors. Taxpayers should contact their county assessor for more information on available exemptions and deductions.

What if I Don't Pay My Tax on Time?

Failure to pay the tax on time may result in penalties and interest charges. The county may also take legal action to collect the tax, including placing a lien on the property or levying against the taxpayer's bank accounts. Taxpayers should contact the county assessor to discuss payment arrangements if they are unable to pay the tax by the due date.

How Can I Get More Information?

Taxpayers who have questions about their personal property tax in Fairfax County can contact their county assessor for more information. The county assessor's office can provide information about exemptions, deductions, payment options, and other matters related to the personal property tax. Taxpayers can also find more information about the personal property tax on the Fairfax County website.


The personal property tax in Fairfax County is an important source of revenue for the county government. It is important for taxpayers to understand their obligations under the tax, including when and how to pay the tax. Taxpayers should contact their county assessor if they have any questions about the personal property tax or their specific tax liability.