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What Is Capital Gains Tax When Selling A House In 2023?

Taxes on Selling Your House? Here's a PlainEnglish Guide
Taxes on Selling Your House? Here's a PlainEnglish Guide from

Capital gains tax is a form of taxation imposed by the federal government on the sale of certain types of property. This is a tax that applies when someone sells an asset for more than what they paid for it. When it comes to selling a house, this type of tax can be quite substantial and has the potential to greatly reduce the profits from the sale. With that in mind, it is important to understand what capital gains tax is and how it works when selling a house in 2023.

What Is the Difference Between Capital Gains Tax and Other Taxes?

Capital gains tax is different from other forms of taxation such as income tax. Capital gains tax is based on the profit you make from the sale of an asset and is calculated based on the difference between the purchase price of the asset and the sale price. This means that if you purchase a house for $200,000 and sell it for $400,000, then you would be subject to capital gains tax on the $200,000 profit.

How Is Capital Gains Tax Calculated?

Capital gains tax is based on the difference between the purchase price of the asset and the sale price. The amount of capital gains tax you are liable for is then determined by the tax brackets and your personal situation. In the United States, capital gains tax is calculated by subtracting the purchase price of the asset from the sale price and then multiplying the difference by the corresponding tax rate.

What Are the Tax Rates for Selling a House in 2023?

The federal government has set the capital gains tax rate for selling a house in 2023 at 15%. This means that if you purchase a house for $200,000 and sell it for $400,000, then you would be liable for $30,000 in capital gains tax. It is important to note that there may be additional state and local taxes imposed on the sale of the property, so it is important to check with your local tax authorities for more information.

What Are the Exceptions to Capital Gains Tax?

There are certain exceptions to the capital gains tax when it comes to selling a house in 2023. For example, if the house was inherited or received as a gift, then the capital gains tax does not apply. Additionally, if the house was used as a primary residence for at least two of the five years prior to the sale, then the capital gains tax is reduced. Finally, if the sale of the house was due to a change in place of employment, then the capital gains tax may be waived.

What Other Costs Are Involved in Selling a House?

In addition to capital gains tax, there are other costs associated with selling a house. These include real estate fees, closing costs, and other costs related to the sale. It is important to factor these costs into your calculations when determining the final sale price of the house. Additionally, it is important to factor in any potential capital gains tax that may be due prior to signing any agreements related to the sale of the house.

How Can I Avoid Paying Capital Gains Tax?

If you are looking to avoid paying capital gains tax, then there are a few strategies you can employ. One of the most common strategies is to take advantage of the exceptions listed above. Additionally, you may be able to structure the sale of the house in such a way that the proceeds are not subject to capital gains tax. Finally, you may be able to defer or reduce the amount of capital gains tax you are required to pay.


Capital gains tax is an important factor to consider when selling a house in 2023. Understanding the tax rates and exceptions is essential in order to maximize your profits from the sale. Additionally, there are a few strategies you can employ to reduce or avoid paying capital gains tax. By thoroughly researching this topic and understanding your options, you can make the most of your sale and ensure that you are not left with any unnecessary tax burden.